What The Cervix- Everything you need to know!

Infertility Term Series- Part Three

LH Surge- Part One

Basal Body Temperature- Part Two


Lets talk definition of Cervix – “The cervix is the lower, narrow part of the uterus (womb). The uterus, a hollow, pear-shaped organ, is located in a woman’s lower abdomen, between the bladder and the rectum. The cervix forms a canal that opens into the vagina, which leads to the outside of the body.” (Shiel Jr.,2018)

What does the it do?

“It widens during childbirth to allow for the passage of the baby. It also allows for the passage of menstrual fluid from the uterus, and sperm needs to travel through the cervix in order to reach the uterus.” (Fayed, 2020)

Get to know your cervix

Please refer to the picture below, Im a visual learner so Ive added a couple pictures to help you understand what it looks like. I use the term blueberry because that is the best way I can describe it in words. The blueberry has a similar shape and the opening looks very similar to how your cervix would look if you could see it.

I think this will also help you know what you’re feeling when you start to explore!

Yes, you need to get to “Your” cervix, so that means getting comfortable with exploring your body. 

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Where is my Cervix?

Again, I have added a picture to help with a visual. Now remember every woman’s body is different so the location or angle may be different. This is why you need to explore yourself.

For instance, mine is set back a little and usually angled a little to the left. Wow that is pretty specific- yes, it is and it took time to know this about myself.

It takes more than one time to get to know how and where to feel.

I’m about to get Real here. . .this is how I go about exploring my lady parts – I usually do this in the shower because I’m clean, but you could also just simply lay on your bed, just remember to wash your hands before. I lay on my back and my head slightly propped up. I will have a slightly froggy style position with my legs, then I use my middle finger since it’s the longest. Think gentle thoughts, take your time, feel the shape, softness and location etc.

Remember your cervix is like a blueberry in shape, size and the opening is similar to the blueberry as well. Now the opening does not have rough edges, it’s very smooth so this might be the hardest part to feel for. This is also the hardest to tell how open your cervix is. This is why you will need to examine it on a more frequent basis, especially the week of your fertile window.

Openness can be somewhat subtle but you will learn these changes and again it’s your body so you can use pictures as a guide, but the most accurate information will come from frequent checks.

If you do this, then you should have a good idea what to look for with your next cycle. Now you will need to take mental pictures of how soft or firm your cervix is and openness during each stage in your cycle, since obviously we cannot take an actual picture. – when will technology catch up for that lol

Softness? – yes your cervix also changes in how “squishy”it is. Now the most common way to describe each stage is chin, tip of the nose and lips BUT to be completely honest they all feel the same to me lol

 Now you can use those terms as a guideline to understand what your feeling but I would suggest to make your own terms for how it feels to you, so you don’t get confused or get anxious because it doesn’t feel like your chin.

For instances, to me, when its at its firmest, it feels like a grape, as it gets softer it feels like the outside of my cheek in the center- bouncy and soft.

When Trying To Conceive

Now that we know what cervix means and what it does, where to find it, I want to go over how getting to know “Your” cervix can help with getting pregnant!

To me this is the most important way for me to know when my body is ready to accept sperm. I use my LH Surge strips along with checking my cervix more than my BBT, for me I like that I am getting a more tangible answer to when I’m getting closer to ovulating.

Basal Body Temperature has way too many variables that can affect the results and LH Surge alone can also have variations. How your cervix is affected by diet, medications, hormones can also make changes in when you ovulate and how much cervical mucus is made.

Even with these variables you will still be able to notice these changes by feel. As long as you stay on top of checking your cervix you can keep up with any changes happening.

What you are looking for in your cervix when trying to get pregnant, is a lengthened canal to your cervix, it will be farther up and a little harder to reach, it will be nice and soft and open to allow for swimmers to pass by easily.

I am not going over cervical mucus but remember “egg white” consistency is best! – Stretchy and Clear!


Jr., W. C. S. (2018, December 4). Definition of Cervix. Retrieved from https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=2686

Fayed, Lisa (2020, January 27). What Does the Cervix Do. Retrieved from https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-you-need-to-know-about-your-cervix-513843

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